Bőrtartó H-0180, 180 db 1,5 ml-es üvegfiolához, 1 cipzáros, bordó
Bőrtartó H-0180, 180 db 1,5 ml-es üvegfiolához, 1 cipzáros, bordó
- free of PCB/PCP, azoic dyes, chromic salts, formaldehyde
- accommodates up 180 vials (1.5 ml)
- dimensions: 19 x 12 x 6 cm
- incl. first aid booklet (language: German) describing the 60 most important remedies and their indications. (Offer valid while stocks last)
Matching vials for this case are available in our online shop.
- color: bordeaux
ÁFA -val 20%
ÁFA -val 20%