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A keresés lehetséges : a monokészítmények neve alapján (pl. Arnica montana), szinoníma alapján (pl. Brechnuß), Termékszám alapján (pl. 9001366), Család (pl. Nozóda), Scholten Nr. (pl. 665.24.08). Mindíg a zöld mezőben látható az egyes készítményeknél a szer fő neve.
Remasan Narbensalbe Scar Cream

Remasan Narbensalbe

Remasan Narbensalbe

Remasan Narbensalbe organic scar cream contains soothing and rejuvenating components made from highly efficient natural substances. It calms and lessens scar tissue, increasing its elasticity through the combination of wool wax cream and pennywort tincture.

Essential lavender oil and Bach flower extracts additionally support cell regeneration.

Application instructions

Use Remasan Narbensalbe organic as soon as possible, but only after the wound has closed.

Apply cream two to three times a day and slightly massage the scar tissue until the cream has permeated the tissue. Use over a longer stretch of time for best results.


Lavender oil, Bach flowers, pennywort tincture, cream base after ÖAB code



ÁFA -val 20%
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