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A keresés lehetséges : a monokészítmények neve alapján (pl. Arnica montana), szinoníma alapján (pl. Brechnuß), Termékszám alapján (pl. 9001366), Család (pl. Nozóda), Scholten Nr. (pl. 665.24.08). Mindíg a zöld mezőben látható az egyes készítményeknél a szer fő neve.
Schnelle Hilfe mit Homöopathie by Svetlana Pavlova / Clodagh Sheehy (German)

Schnelle Hilfe mit Homöopathie

Schnelle Hilfe mit Homöopathie

Make homeopathy easy with this refreshingly simple guide to choosing the best possible remedy for everyday ailments. From coughs and colds to toothaches or tummy bugs, this book will help you find relief for minor health conditions.

No previous knowledge of homeopathy is necessary. The book will quickly point you to the best match between your individual symptoms and the remedy you need. It also features a Rapid First Aid section and advice tailored to busy mums, babies, tots, teens, and adults.

Homeopaths Clodagh Sheehy and Svetlana Pavlova Heywood Jones have distilled a wealth of information down to the essentials required for accessible and safe home prescribing. They also alert you to more serious conditions where you may need to consult a doctor or go immediately to hospital.

Enhance the health of all the family by adding homeo­pathic remedies to your home medicine cabinet.

We have prepared a fitting set for you here.

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